Monday, April 18, 2016

THE TANK IS CLEAN! T-Rex Football. When you are knocked to your knees, look up...He is there. Pics!


The sun is shining, the tank is clean, and we are getting outta - THE TANK IS CLEAN!

Okay but like seriously. This quote from Finding Nemo describes perfectly how I felt this past weekend. The temperature did NOT drop below freezing overnight, and Sunday was BEAUTIFUL with 20 degree (Celsius) weather! AMAZING. It felt like I was in California. The snow is all melting. It's interesting. I always imagined living in snow as a white wonderland, where the snow miraculously doesn't fall on sidewalks or streets or cars and the temperature stays above 0. I really set myself up for disaster there. :P Rather, I've learned that after the first little while, there's a lot more gross gray and brown snow than white snow. It also becomes very icy and deadly to walk around places. And you have to figure out good ways to get the ice off of your windshield wipers without your fingers freezing off. All in all, I am VERY glad to see that spring has officially sprung here in Quebec. :)

Funny experience this week. So, I received a football in a package from my family for my birthday (thanks again guys :)). And Elder Peery and I were just tossing it around waiting for our lunch to finish cooking. And we were kinda bored. So we invented a new sport.

T-Rex Football.

Basically, you have to keep your elbows pinned to your sides while you play football. You look exceedingly foolish while playing this. We had a blast. We started running plays to see if we could make them work. I'm pretty sure we're gonna go pro with this. I would have attached pictures but I was laughing so hard I forgot. But I'm sure you can picture it. :P

The other comment I wanna make is just one of gratitude. I am so grateful for the struggles I deal with and have dealt with in my life and on my mission. I tend to be pretty quick to demand to the heavens, "Why are You letting this happen? Don't You love me?" Yet in hindsight, I realize that EVERYTHING good about me is a result of His love and care and willingness to let me struggle and work and fail. I would not be here on a mission if it weren't for my failures. They have strengthened me and molded me into a better, though SO imperfect, servant of our Savior. I've learned patience, I've learned kindness, I've learned to listen. I've learned to be more humble. I've learned to be more optimistic. I've learned to love.

I had a Physical Education teacher in 7th grade who loved to quote, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." Well, welcome to the 10%. We can't change it, and we can't just sit down and cry about it (however tempting that may seem). What we CAN do is REACT. Change something! Become something, someone, more than you are! I hate to break the news, but nobody who is anybody has had an easy life. Those who have attained the greatest eternal peaks are those same souls who found themselves in the lowest and most miserable valleys; their success came because of their decision to accept their ability to react and the Savior's ability to help them.

So if you've been knocked you to your knees, if you find yourself lying amidst the pieces of broken dreams and broken hearts, react, and react right. Look up and realize that He who fell below all of us is standing in front of you, with His hand outstretched. Take that hand. Let Him change your heart and change your life. He's changed mine. He's still changing mine. I owe everything I am to Him and to our Father in Heaven. I love Them. I know They live. And I know They love us.

En avant!

Elder Bryan McOmber
 Did an exchange with Elder Roubicek! Mom, you remember who this is? :)   (Note from Danette: Yes!  I remember who this is.  The Roubicek's are a family from Fresno...where Mark and I grew up.  LOVE them!)

 Elder Peery exchanged with Elder Mecham, Elder Roubicek's companion. This pretty much explains their personalities.

The sister training leaders asked us to wear blue (for Quebec) to match them. So I wore a blue tie, and Elder Peery wore a blue, albeit very black-looking, suit. Le meilleur! :) Sidenote... all three of them are going home in the next two months and I will be left all alone. :(

 Le Fleuve Saint-Laurent (Saint Laurent River)

Quebec City from down the river. The big building near the river (behind the cranes... it's pretty far away) is called the Chateau Frontenac... it's a hotel. Super popular and pretty much the face of Quebec.
 Quebec City again. You can't see the Chateau anymore.

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