Monday, October 26, 2015

"Life In A Freezer" & "Rock-Bottom Can Be A Good Thing If You Remember Who the Rock Is" - More Pics

Well hellloooooooooo all!!

Can I just say that missions are AWESOME!!! I LOVE being out here! It's super stressful, I'm exhausted all the time, people yell at us and ignore us... and yet this is seriously one of the best things on the planet! Why? Because there's also SO much love around us; the members here really love the missionaries, and several of our investigators are really starting to progress! I love being here and I love serving the Savior!

It's getting colder. Like... consistently dropping below freezing until about 10 AM. I sleep under about 4 or 5 blankets every night. It's pretty interesting. Many of the trees have already lost most of their leaves. But the way people talk about winter here... it feels like the Germans are coming. Everybody talks like all happiness has left the planet once snow comes. I feel like I'm going to be that one missionary who's skipping through the snow (at least... until I freeze to death) while everyone else walks with their heads down, singing depressing songs and refusing to make eye contact. Honestly... it's SNOW!! How can someone NOT be excited about snow? I realize I sound completely naive and foolish to those of you who have lived in snow. But hey, I'm embracing it! Because snow depression is seriously a real thing and I refuse to be a victim! :P

Yesterday, we went over to the retirement home to visit a recent convert of ours, Ginette Girard. She's been on oxygen support for most of her life, and she struggles to walk so she spends most of her time in her walker/chair thingy or in a special electric-powered scooter she's got. She's got a really bad memory, but she remembers the lessons we've taught and she loves the Savior. Yesterday, we watched a movie with her called "Finding Faith In Christ." (It's REALLY good, I'd recommend it to anybody) As I watched the scenes from the life of Christ unfold, I received a profound impression. Up to that point, my day hadn't been going super well. I was a bit discouraged and a little bored, honestly. But. While watching that video, my attitude changed. Why? Because I realized some very important, basic truths that EVERYONE needs to know because they're SO important.

Jesus Christ is REAL. He was born to a mortal mother named Mary, 2,015 years ago. He grew up under the watchful eyes of both His earthly and heavenly parents. He was baptized by a prophet, Jean the Baptist, who held the priesthood authority to perform such an ordinance. He then commenced His ministry among the Jews. He walked the lands of Jerusalem and Galilee, teaching all those with whom He came into contact. He DID heal the sick. He DID raise the dead. These are not stories, made up by power-hungry pretenders intent on gaining control over naive believers. He knelt in Gethsemane, crushed by the sins, weaknesses, and infirmities of all mankind, and then overcame ALL of that so that He can stand with us and lift us in our darkest moments. This is not a story, and I cannot deny the truth of His divinity. He was more than a man, and after He willingly gave up His life on the cross, He took it up again three days later. He and our Heavenly Father visited a young 14 year old boy in 1820 to restore His gospel here on the earth, and that gospel is found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He lives today, and He ministers among His children through the Holy Ghost. I know to the deepest corners of my soul that this is true. I would not be here, thousands of miles from home and family, if I didn't. If you desire a testimony, trust mine. I stand as a witness that He lived then, and He lives today. Jesus was, and is, the Christ, and He stands with those who stand with Him. Never forget or deny that truth, because it IS the truth, and none can avoid it. If we yield our stubborn instincts into His masterful hands, He will build us into more than we could ever be on our own.

I heard this quote from someone I looked up to very much last summer, and it has stayed with me ever since.

"Remember, when we hit rock bottom, that the rock, who is Jesus the Christ, is still beneath us."

He will lift us. He will carry us.

Come unto Christ.

I love and miss all of you very much. You are in each of my prayers and I enjoy getting your letters and emails. Don't forget me while I'm here in Canada, eh? (see what I did there? See, it's funny, because Canadians say "eh" a lot.)

En avant!

Elder Bryan McOmber
Elder Boscan and I... NO idea why he does this face.
Frere Denis playing the violin for us.

Elder Valencia, a very new greenie, and I on exchanges! Finally someone younger than me!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

SNOW!!! I only eat if I have wives. The most important thing. Pictures of Fall.

Salut ma famille et mes amis!

Okay. The weather here is seriously freaking me out. I woke up this past Saturday morning at 6:15 with my companion to exercise. After he went in to the bathroom to take a shower, I noticed there was a weird whiteness outside the windows. So I rubbed off the condensation and... um... it was snowing. Yeah. There was a white carpet of snow EVERYWHERE. It freaked me out!!! I didn't really know how to react. I just stared out the window for about 2 minutes straight. What was this white powder? I'm from Gilbert... this whole snow thing does not compute! Then I started YELLING like a little kid, "IT'S SNOWING!!!" (Keep in mind we're in a building with four apartments... I'm pretty sure I woke up the people living above us... who already don't like us. But who cares? SNOW!!! :P) I ran to get my camera, and went outside and took a video like some crazy weatherman seeing a tornado. I'm from Arizona... it's not my fault, okay? :P

I have made some pretty interesting French errors this past little while. For example. On Sunday, I had a really big lunch because we were going to be driving up to Quebec for a zone conference that evening (that's where a bunch of missionaries in the area get together to be taught by the mission president. They're SUPER fun). But since we were going to be in Quebec, we were supposed to pack our dinners... and I'm WAY too lazy for that. So I threw some crackers in the car and Elder Boscan said, "Tu ne veut pas manger le souper?" (You don't want to eat dinner?) I responded with, "Si j'ai beaucoup de faim, je vais manger." (If I have a lot of hunger, I will eat.) Well. Apparently. I pronounced "faim" wrong, and instead, I said, "femmes." That means "wives." So. Apparently, my eating is determined by whether or not I have wives. Elder Boscan got a good laugh out of that one. :P

I want to talk a little bit today about the Savior's invitation to become as little children. We are teaching a 16 year old boy named Camilo Cortes here. The other day, his sister, Karen, walked up to us and asked us to teach her. SHE asked US. So we sat down and shared the message of the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ through His modern-day prophet, Joseph Smith. She was writing on a note pad while we taught, and we asked her what she was doing. "Oh, I'm just taking notes." I almost fainted. This girl is 12 years old. She has plenty of other things she could be distracted by. But she wanted to hear about the gospel.

I think we could all learn a lot from Karen. She understands something very important... the gospel of Jesus Christ is more important than ANYTHING else. It is EVERYTHING. If we find ourselves making excuses to avoid going to church, to avoid going to mutual or to other church activities; to not pay tithing; to avoid prayer and scripture study; how can we profess to follow the Savior? He has asked us to come unto Him with the humility of a little child. If a young girl of 12 years old can realize that... how much more need have we to realize that? I have decided, and I invite all of you to do so as well, to step back and look at my life. Do I prioritize other things over my duty as a disciple of Jesus Christ? Do I truly humble myself and choose to sacrifice other things I COULD be doing in order to serve Him and keep His commandments?

I love each and every one of you. I am thankful for your examples for me in my life and I am proud to know all of you. Never, ever, ever let yourself slip into the comfortable downward spiral of going through the motions in the Lord's service. This is His church, and He needs every hand He can get to help keep this stone cut out of the mountain rolling to fill the earth! Let's put our shoulders to the wheel... He needs us now more than ever! En avant!

Elder Bryan McOmber
 The leaves are beginning to fall.... winter is coming!
The farm across from the church building!

The bridge across the river to get into Quebec City! It snowed just after this for about 30 minutes... in October!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Indian Summer, My 3-Yr-Old Admirer, Faith, & Beautiful Fall pics

Well hello all!

It is officially fall. The leaves on most of the trees have changed colors, and the Reservoir Baudet, the huge lake in the middle of town, is full of geese and other birds who rest there. Seriously, I think there's about 500 birds there every morning and night. They fly overhead all day long. It's pretty cool! I have also experienced a unique weather pattern this week. It is called "Indian Summer." For about four days every autumn, summer temperatures return and life is absolutely beautiful. That will last for probably the next two or three days... and then we're going to plunge into the dead of winter. I'm still pretty darn scared for that. It'll be an interesting winter, that's for sure.

So... there is a 3 year old Colombian girl named Brianna Lucero. Her mom is a member and we have a Family Home Evening with them every week. Well, apparently Brianna has taken a liking to the new missionary, Elder Concombre. I was sitting on the couch during the lesson, when all of a sudden Brianna ran over, jumped up next to me, and put her forehead against my forehead and said, "Comment ca va???" (How are you?) Apparently this question was very deep and pressing. I had to contemplate my answer while I attempted to put a little more distance between her and I. Her family thought it was hilarious. I definitely felt a little awkward. But she's the best. Their family is just awesome.

Okay. I want to talk a little bit about faith this week. Elder Neil L. Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve gave a talk in the last General Conference about the thought that faith is a choice, not by chance. Look it up and reread it... it's a very good talk. But I want to say something very short, yet very important... faith is no respecter of persons. Faith is a decision. When Joshua took the people of Israel through the river, it took several steps into the deepening waters before the Lord split the river for them. The same goes for faith. Some times, we have to simply decide to push away the doubts and act in faith, act in hope, praying that our trust has been placed well. And you know what? I PROMISE that it is. Because I've seen it. Our Heavenly Father? He's REAL. And our individual problems are incredibly important to Him because they're important to us. So to all who are out there, wondering if they have the "faith" to do something? Just do it. The faith will come. Act, and faith will follow.

I love and miss you all. You're the best people ever. Never let doubts push away your trust in the Lord. We know so very little, and He knows all.

En avant!

Elder Bryan McOmber

Reservoir Baudet full of Canadian geese and other birds at sunrise. We biked around the lake for our exercise.
 Reservoir Baudet

 Reservoir Baudet

 Victoriaville at night

 The birds flying south overhead.

 Reservoir Baudet

 The river right behind the Lalonde's home.

 Same as above ^^

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fall in Canada: It's COLD for this Phoenix boy! - More pics

Hello family and friends!

Wow. Canada is interesting.

The leaves are changing colors. I love that. It's a very new experience for me... I'm just waiting for all the trees to be red and orange and yellow because that sounds just amazing. It also comes along with everything being freezing though. So... we'll see how I react to the subzero temperatures. My companion likes to make me get out of the car to back him up (that's apparently the rule... when backing up in a car, one missionary always has to be directing the vehicle. From outside. In subzero, freezing rain. While his trainer laughs.) He's very lucky I didn't hit him. Like... really lucky. The thought definitely came to my mind.

I GOT COMPLIMENTED ON MY FRENCH! TWICE! People said that my French is really improving! Granted, I started at basically zero. But still! YES!! Maybe I'll actually be able to tell jokes in French! Hmmm. Or maybe not. Considering I couldn't even tell good jokes in English. I'll go ahead and stick with the vocabulary I have now. :P

I think the people here are trying to fatten us up for winter. There's this dish called Chinese Pie. Nothing Chinese about it. It's basically mashed potatoes and hamburger and corn all mixed up and baked in the oven. They refused to let us stop at eating just one plate. I almost exploded. I'm staying at the same weight... but man. It's hard. My companion says he'll just lose weight after his mission, so he doesn't join me in my workouts in the mornings, but I have to do a lot of cardio to stay in shape. Didn't really expect that part of the mission. Hopefully I'm not too fat when I come home! XD

I have learned something very important this week. As I watched General Conference (for those of you who don't know, that is a weekend in which we have the opportunity as members of the church to hear the prophet and apostles today speak to us about how we can be more like our Savior; it happens twice a year in April and October), I had the distinct impression that I need to clean up my communication. Not my French... that's pretty much impossible to save. :P But just how I communicate. Too often I complain and demean, too often I make derogatory or pessimistic comments. I'm far too critical and far too judgmental. So that is my current effort: to be optimistic and uplifting. If I can improve on those, I can be more like our Savior. He was able to uplift the most grievous sinners with His words. Wars have been begun because of words, and they can be ended with words as well. If we can focus on improving our communication with those around us - not demeaning, not backbiting, not criticizing, but being more like the Savior in word, as well as deed - we can do incredible things.

I love you all. You are inspirations to me as I work for the Lord here in Canada. I miss you each day and you are in my prayers. Shoot me an email if you have questions or just wanna talk to me about anything! :)

En avant!

Elder Bryan McOmber 


Elder Bird and I!

Me looking pensive by the riverside in Drummondville. :P

District selfie! :) We had a district activity in Drummondville this week!

Elder Boscan and I


​Elder Boscan and I by the Drummondville 200 year anniversary sign.